It is a beautiful, cool, blustery day here in Maine. While we support the cast of the Out of Towners, I will post an old poem I had been looking for previously, thereby continuing my record of late-blobing.
The photo is Amina and Gertie on the couch.
Aaron's Poem
Throughout the Summer the questions came.
"Granddaddy is sick
and I am sad" said my son.
He then cried.
Who will feed the hummingbirds
at Granddaddy's house?" he asked.
Before I could answer his tears had started.
"What will happen to the Osprey
on Granddaddy's island?" he questioned
with great concern and sobs.
"Will the beaver come back
to Granddaddy's brook" he demanded.
What will happen to the fish then?
Will the tadpoles still be there?"
"When will Granddaddy leave the hospital
and go back home," he asked
in a quiet voice, no longer
quite daring to cry.
I was not able to answer,
afraid to say he may never go home.
Afraid the concerns of an almost
five year old boy would not allow him
to understand and forgive his beloved
The next morning while still dark
as the long ride home began,
my son listened to the news
he did not want to know.
I was concerned how my son would react.
I could not take away his sadness
and hurt.
I could not take away his tears.
I could not take away my own.
At the end of the day
my son came to me and asked
where he could place a letter
so the wind would take it
to his Grandfather.
He missed him
and wanted to tell him
he loved him.
SP 1992