Thursday, March 27, 2008

I don't think a six month hiatus is out of line.

And to top it off, it's really only an excuse to post a picture in response to his Bobness's query as to garage sales. And Mel's and Wendy's pokes to get back at it. And...well all sorts of stuff.

So I will get back into it soon.

The above picture,btb, is of the Weaselboy lo these many years ago. The sign in front of him says "Not for Sale."

Just a brief mention today about the Girlface. I was having a discussion about the grueling deposition I had to endure on Tuesday when my cell rings.

Cell: This is greerger facazzzzzcmwiiitfrm of the Portland Police.

Me: Hello, who is this?

Cell: This is greerger facazzzzzcmwiiitfrm of the Portland Police.

Me: What?

Cell: This is greerger facazzzzzcmwiiitfrm of the Portland Police. No one is hurt.

Me: Okay, what is this about?

Cell: Is this Stephen Parker?

Me: Yes (close enough for a guy who no doubt has a gun.)

Cell: Your daughter and another young woman are hitchiking.

Me: Yes. Is that illegal?

Cell: Well, no. We have them here on Forest Avenue.

Me: Okay. Were they on the highway?

Cell: No.

Me: Well thank you for looking after them, then.

It's always so nice to get phone calls from the police about your children.

An hour later I got another call.

Cell: Is this Mr. Parker?

Me: Yes.

Cell: This is the Brunswick police.

Sigh. They were only a quarter of the way to Winterport.

Here's a picture of Amina just because.


MarmiteToasty said...
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Anonymous said...
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Bob said...

What a cute kid! Both of em ... the yard sale pic is wonderful and your grandchild is a sweetie. Good to see you posting again.

Slip said...

Marmie sent me here and glad she did, your posting touched a nerve, them kids never go away. Mine are in their thirties and still call everyday. Stop over at my chaotic ramblings if you get a chance.

Akelamalu said...

Marmie said I had to come visit you, so here I am!

Love the photos of the little one and the dog.

Toriz said...

You should do what I do Sharky and just blog away even if nobody reads it. Eventually people will notice you in your little corner of the blogging world :)

Jeanie said...

Marmie sent me this way - she has a ton of friends! I absolutely loved the yard sale picture! And I have experienced the phone call frm the police - like one of those commercials, "Parents, do you know where your children are?"

Annie Wan said...

marmie is now gonna charge me £10 - so i hope you'll take the trouble to haul yer asses to mine before she gets it inta her head to charge everyone else for visiting me 'blob' - as she calls 'em

Anonymous said...

Holy Mother of God! That baby is a ringer for Mel!

(Mel, in this picture...I swear to god.)

Hey Sharkheimer, nice garlic.


Anonymous said...

Do you have MToastie's address so I can send her a card?

I have been thinking of her a lot, and I have to admit I am a bit worried - the hospital 'escape' sounds pretty painful and scary!

Robin said...

Not long ago I discovered Mel and read her entire blog. That led me to yours.. her visit with you touched her so.

So, at her behest, I'm back. I know she's a private person but someone who knows her in the best way needs to say something about how she's doing to the rest of us.

Blogging friendships can be as binding as others. We care and we are worried.

Can you help?

Anonymous said...

I see someone has been busy ;).
ilt, g

MarmiteToasty said...
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OrdinaryShark said...


Anonymous said...

Ok....who keeps deleting comments?

MarmiteToasty said...
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