Friday, June 22, 2007

Stolen Kisses

Following my new penchant for posting pictures unrelated to my post, I offer an example of a day's, maybe two, worth of eggs from my chickens. I don't have any right now, but I expect I'll have some again.

The green and blue eggs are from Araucana hens. I had one her that would lay a perfect olive drab egg, exactly the color of Army green. If I had my wits about me I would have cloned the hell out of that chicken and sold all the eggs to Uncle Sam. I would have made a fortune. Better'n toilet seats.

Now for today's poem, for Carol, a life long friend. This was published, years ago, first in Matrix and then in the National College Poetry Review.

Stolen Kisses

A ghost stalks my kitchen,
paces, three steps by one.
She is in my living room,
three steps by four.
She follows me, talks
in the background when
people leave messages on my
phone machine,
scribbles notes on scrap paper,
puts them in my pockets.

For two years she has left
her mark; she has stolen my kisses.
There are none left in the cookie jar,
with the extra backgammon dice,
in the backs of drawers in old letters.
No more on Friday pizzas.

The warm, near spring night
touches my dream. I remember:
kisses for breakfast, served
with flowers and a skinned knee.
In the morning I pack.
I take a hidden kiss, my last,
leave it with a flower for my ghost.



MarmiteToasty said...
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MarmiteToasty said...
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Spilling Ink said...

I'm almost afraid to leave a comment for fear of looking stupid, but I know nothing of laying hens. Are those eggs for real, Sharkie?

Spilling Ink said...

You know what else, Sharkie? I really, really like it that you post pictures that have nothing to do with your post. That is so cool!!! May I copy you and do it too? I will link to you, of course.

OrdinaryShark said...

Ok kids, yes, the eggs are real. I won't tell the hens that you guys don't believe it, after all the work they do to lay them. Did you know that sometimes a hen would lay an egg without a shell? No lie.
Maybe I'll post some pictures of some of the strange shells I use to get. I've saved a number of them.

Thanks for stopping by Lynn! I guess maybe today I posted a poem that doesn't go with the post! And you are welcome to share any idea or design aspect you see on my blob, of course.

Marmy- I use to have a refrig in the barn and people would come by and leave the egg money in a can. Would also deliver dozens and dozens to my office where people would come pick them up. Don't know as I ever made any dosh, but the girls paid for themselves, I think.

MarmiteToasty said...
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OrdinaryShark said...

Marmy- Your pictures add so much to your posts, don't stop using them!

And be warned, I think a chicken farmer raises hens and sends them all to the processing plant after 26 weeks. I don't think Janet would approve!

Spilling Ink said...

I have some pictures of some ducks that I took the other day. They don't have anything to do with anything I could think to post about. I only took their picture because they were so cute. I think I will put them up with the next post. What a great idea, Sharkie!! Thanks!

I would love to see pictures of unusual eggs. I had no idea that eggs were so varied.

Anonymous said...

Are eggs "stolen"?


MarmiteToasty said...
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Your Friend said...


Attorney's nickin' eggs?

Naaaaahhhhhhh.....surely not! lol lol

I wouldn't mind having chickens.. my friend, D, does.. she sells the eggs... well, actually, she has a mini farm.. gives riding lessons, and boards one horse which doesn't belong to her.. has cows... rabbits.. dogs... it's a lovely place.

I'm not allowed to have any animals here though.... not even a goldfish, /sigh, so it'll have to be one day in the future that I do my Dr Doolittle thing. :o)

Shark.. hi, btw... Mel says you're lonely or something? lol

Pictures with posts are good, too.. just thought I'd say that... I don't always add one on.. but today I outdid myself. I'm aiming for the photo-blogger of the week award! lol